
Best Homemade Popsicles

diy popsicle recipe

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Last updated on June 17th, 2024 at 07:16 pm

These delicious chocolate fudgy pudding popsicles are the best homemade popsicle recipe, easy to make and a lot healthier than store bought popsicles!

You can trust the quality ingredients in these popsicle recipes while avoiding all the added ingredients that would be found in the store-bought popsicles – choose high quality chocolate, milk and freshness!

Stay cool this summer with the best homemade popsicles that are easy, healthy and perfect for the whole family.

chocolate popsicle recipes

Homemade Popsicle Recipes Ingredients:

Dark Chocolate: Rich, smooth flavor.
Milk: Creates the creamy texture.
Honey: Natural sweetener.
Vanilla Extract: Flavor enhancer
Salt: Brings out the burst of flavor.
Corn Starch: Thickening agent that creates the fudgy consistency.
Water: Dissolves the cornstarch.

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Now It’s Time to Make Your Own Popsicles

diy popsicle recipe


Step 1: First combine milk and cocoa powder to saucepan,

Then Turn on medium high heat and whisk together.:

Step 2: While milk is heating crack two eggs separate yolk and whites and put yolk in large bowl. 

Add cornstarch and whisk gently until incorporated.

Step 3: Before milk boils, remove and gently pour into egg mixture very slowly while whisking rapidly. (If poured too fast eggs will scramble)

At this point your tempering your eggs and bringing them up to a high temperature slowly

Step 4: Once mixed together add back to sauce pan and whisk on low med heat. You will be able to see a pudding like consistency after a couple minutes of whisking. 

Then pour into cups for a quick cooling time.

healthy popsicle recipes

For the cute little monster in your life, get these great popsicle mold.

diy popsicle recipe


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