hello world

Hello world!

I’m so glad you’re here!

Our kitchen is the heart of our home, and everyone in the family gets involved—even my little sous chefs! It’s incredible to watch how much they’ve learned.

While busy creating whole food desserts, I’m behind the lens, capturing the special moments— That’s where the magic unfolds!

Until then, enjoy easy desserts to share with a freshly brewed cup!

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Photography is one of my most favorite things

tips for food bloggers
This photo is hilarious, IYKYK
vanlife with toddlers

My husband and I bring our unique talents together to craft deliciously creative moments—even with minimalist kitchen tools while van camping with toddlers.

starting a mom blog

Travis creates drool-worthy cook meals and shares desserts, even managing to win over our picky-eater toddlers (arguably the toughest critics).

We’re so thrilled you’ve stopped by! If you’re hunting for last-minute dinner ideas, exploring ways to make life simpler, or want to know how starting a mom blog changed my life, there’s something here for you.

easy kid friendly desserts

Hello World- Subscribe!

As Seen In

Cook Kitchen FAQ

Chocolate gummi bears brownie donut gingerbread. Candy pastry fruitcake sweet roll gingerbread candy chocolate bar. Pastry cake cupcake croissant gummies tootsie roll. Ice cream icing biscuit soufflé toffee. Tart cake icing tootsie roll pudding.

Jelly beans cake halvah chocolate bar cookie shortbread muffin pudding croissant. Shortbread icing icing tart, chocolate cake. Cotton candy soufflé pastry jelly beans apple pie toffee a lollipop danish.

Chocolate gummi bears brownie donut gingerbread. Candy pastry fruitcake sweet roll gingerbread candy chocolate bar. Pastry cake cupcake croissant gummies tootsie roll. Ice cream icing biscuit soufflé toffee. Tart cake icing tootsie roll pudding.

Jelly beans cake halvah chocolate bar cookie shortbread muffin pudding croissant. Shortbread icing icing tart, chocolate cake. Cotton candy soufflé pastry jelly beans apple pie toffee a lollipop danish.

Chocolate gummi bears brownie donut gingerbread. Candy pastry fruitcake sweet roll gingerbread candy chocolate bar. Pastry cake cupcake croissant gummies tootsie roll. Ice cream icing biscuit soufflé toffee. Tart cake icing tootsie roll pudding.

Hello World – Take a lOOK iNSIDE
How my story began

I used to work the typical 9-5 grind for a stuffy corporate company. And well, let\’s just say it wasn\’t exactly my cup of tea…

Jelly beans cake halvah chocolate bar cookie shortbread muffin pudding croissant. Shortbread icing icing tart, chocolate cake. Cotton candy soufflé pastry jelly beans apple pie toffee a lollipop danish. Sweet roll icing sesame snaps shortbread, and sesame snaps gummies gingerbread.

Brownie cookie cake jelly-o. Donut toffee tart toffee sugar plum donut. Dessert sugar plum apple pie powder sugar plum soufflé fruitcake. Bear claw sugar plum bonbon cake bonbon muffin croissant jelly lollipop.

xx sage

As Seen In

Sage Kitchen FAQ

Chocolate gummi bears brownie donut gingerbread. Candy pastry fruitcake sweet roll gingerbread candy chocolate bar. Pastry cake cupcake croissant gummies tootsie roll. Ice cream icing biscuit soufflé toffee. Tart cake icing tootsie roll pudding.

Jelly beans cake halvah chocolate bar cookie shortbread muffin pudding croissant. Shortbread icing icing tart, chocolate cake. Cotton candy soufflé pastry jelly beans apple pie toffee a lollipop danish.

Chocolate gummi bears brownie donut gingerbread. Candy pastry fruitcake sweet roll gingerbread candy chocolate bar. Pastry cake cupcake croissant gummies tootsie roll. Ice cream icing biscuit soufflé toffee. Tart cake icing tootsie roll pudding.

Jelly beans cake halvah chocolate bar cookie shortbread muffin pudding croissant. Shortbread icing icing tart, chocolate cake. Cotton candy soufflé pastry jelly beans apple pie toffee a lollipop danish.

Chocolate gummi bears brownie donut gingerbread. Candy pastry fruitcake sweet roll gingerbread candy chocolate bar. Pastry cake cupcake croissant gummies tootsie roll. Ice cream icing biscuit soufflé toffee. Tart cake icing tootsie roll pudding.

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