Minimalist Baby Registry

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Creating a minimalist baby registry focuses on the essential items, reducing waste and clutter. Choosing quality over quality can simplify your parenting journey.

In this post you will find the essentials that I found to be necessary for the newborn days and that you consider to include in your registry.


baby sleeper

These newborn sleepers and gowns make diaper changes so much easier, especially in the middle of the night.


Bottle Drying Rack

Bottle Cleaning Brushes

This bottle drying rack is great because it folds up out of the way and collects all of your baby bottle items including this bottle brush to make cleanup easy!

Glass Bottles

Dr. Browns glass bottles worked the best for us, they help prevent gas and their glass – very easy to clean!

Cloth Diapers

Inserts for Cloth Diapers

These cloth diapers are easy to adjust and clean! The cloth inserts are thick making them super absorbent and can have many uses such as burp cloths as well.

Interested in cloth diapering? Check out my post here. 

Some mama essentials:

Milk Collector shells

For breastfeeding moms, the Haaka is a game-changer, collecting letdown on the opposite side. Opt for the Haaka with a lid to prevent spills, and consider using milk collectors when away from your baby – a tear-saving must-have!

These milk collector shells are perfect for if your away from home.

Great support for milk supply and providing hydration.

Water Jug

This jug helps encourage you to drink more water. This helps with overall health and producing milk.


Pack N Play

Very easy to adjust the height for when he got older and there’s a changing table all in one. 

Motion Monitor

This monitor is battery operated and not connected to WIFI. It helped ease my nerves and helped me sleep. 

remember that every parenting adventure is uniquely yours. Embrace the chaos, savor the simplicity, and find joy in the smallest moments!

Let me know which products you found helpful by leaving a comment below!

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