Sirloin steak

Sirloin Steak

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Hey there, foodie friends! So, after a solid decade of swimming in the pescatarian pond, I’ve got a story to spill – and it’s all about how I broke free from my seafood shackles. 

Spoiler alert: it involves an epic sirloin steak recipe that’s about to become your new obsession.

I get it – the idea of going from sea vibes to a land of carnivorous cravings might seem like a stretch. But trust me, this sirloin steak recipe is worth it. 

So, grab a comfy seat and join me as I spill the beans on my flavorful transition and dish out the details on a recipe that’s not just a meal but a full-on taste explosion. 

Why eat steak?


Steak is the most nutrient dense food out there. 

Get your B Vitamins

Vitamin B helps keep your red blood cells healthy, protecting brain cells and boosting your metabolism. 

It can prevent iron deficiency

Iron is one of the most important nutrients for our bodies as it plays a key role in delivering oxygen from lungs to tissues and organs throughout the body.

Iron plays an important role in hormone production and cellular function.

Sirloin steak instructions:

Step 1: Making rice

  • Rinse the rice to ensure fluffy texture. Add water to medium size pan and bring to a boil then add your rice. 
    Once rice is in pan the boil will lessen, let it come back to a gentle simmer.
    Cover the saucepan and reduce heat to low. Keep lid on for around 18 minutes.

Step 2: Making the Sauce

  • Pour remaining juice from steak in saucepan, add water, soy sauce, fish sauce, maple syrup and corn starch. Bring to simmer until slightly thickened. 

Step 3: Cooking steak

  • Pan sear steak over high heat until brown crust forms, about 1-2 minutes per side. Then reduce heat to medium and cook to desire.

Step 4: Steam broccoli

Step 5: Plate & serve

  • Top with scallions and sesame seeds and serve with rice and broccoli.

How to make sure to cook the steak to perfection?

Searing it on high heat and finishing in the oven. Using a cast iron pan is best for obtaining a good sear. 

What sides pair well with steak?

Roasted veggies, mashed potatoes or a salad. 

Sirloin steak
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Looking for more dinner ideas? Check out my Baked Chicken Recipe

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One Comment

  1. This sirloin steak recipe is a game-changer! Simple ingredients, juicy and tender every time. Whether you’re grilling or using a skillet, it’s foolproof. The marinade adds amazing flavor, and the cooking instructions are spot-on. Perfect for any occasion, this recipe has become a household favorite. Highly recommend giving it a try!

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